Lately, I've been realizing, that for me, there needs to be a way to capture little stories that can either be made into scrapbook pages, or not. There needs to be a way to fill in those gaps for which there might not be a full-blown 2-page spread that took me 4 hours. But that is a story worth telling nonetheless.
I'm confident that I'm not the only person out there in this situation. So that's why I developed this class. We ALL have stories. And whatever way it is that we choose to tell them, we all need a way of capturing them first. So that's where Stories in Hand comes in.
In our week-long, instructor-led class, we will learn:
Techniques for capturing memories from our own lives and from others
Dozens of prompts for stories you might have forgotten
A cool system for capturing the stories happening in your life right now, AND for listing the stories you have yet to tell
Technologies you can use to help you gather your stories together with photos, video, your blog, or any other media you have that gives a peek into your life
And we will make a REALLY CUTE project! (You’ll find out the supply list when you register). You are not required to have Photoshop to complete the project.
Oh yeah, by the way, this class is COMPLETELY FREE.
Er der nogen der har lyst til at være med ?
3 kommentarer:
Ja det lyder som om det kunne være et godt projekt !, Jeg tror jeg hopper på den ....
kunne da være meget interessant..
Jeg har tilmeldt mig, så nu er jeg spændt på hvad det hele går ud på (altså udover det jeg allerede kan læse mig frem til ;) ..)
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